Gee’s Bend and the Guy, It’s the GUY!
Back in 2014 our guild, the FVMQG, was asked to give a talk at the Creative Stitches show about Modern Quilting. I volunteered for the job and thought, yeah, I can do […]
Back in 2014 our guild, the FVMQG, was asked to give a talk at the Creative Stitches show about Modern Quilting. I volunteered for the job and thought, yeah, I can do […]
The show at Drygoods Design has come to an end. What an amazing experience. I’m so glad I held out for the perfect venue. Now I need to start planning […]
Earlier this summer my son was telling me about his friend in Vancouver, whose high school is being torn down over the summer. On the last day of school they […]
Okay, everyone with me. 1, 2, 3… Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Cyyyyynthia, Happy Birthday to you!… Aaand many mooooore! Yay! Yup, it’s her […]
Growing up I liked pink because I thought that’s what girls do. They like pink. By eight I had a strong aversion to it. Yellow was my colour of choice. […]