It’s that time of year again, at least here in BC. Cherry blossoms have exploded on the trees. The’re petals litter the grass, enough for a double take where you have to ask yourself, “SNOW??”
It’s also the time of year for the Creative Stitches show. This pretty little flower belongs to one of my first quilts I entered at the Creative Stitches back in 2011. I blogged about it back in the day here. Talk about a blast from the past!
On this baby sized quilt, the flowers were detachable, they could be moved around and played with.
At the time I did dream of having a plump little baby pose, laying on the quilt happily touching one of the flowers with their fingers. Sadly, I didn’t know anybody with a baby at the time. It might have been for the best that I didn’t or I may have had to rename the quilt “Choke Cherries”! or “Choking alert! Choking alert”! Being a mom you’d think I’d know better than to put bite sized choking hazards all over a baby quilt. Needless to say it was a pretty decadent baby quilt, like those baby tu-tus.
I was super proud of the rounded corners and my binding!
I don’t know if I’ll see you at the Creative Stitches Show this weekend. If I don’t, I hope you have a lovely spring and you get a chance to enjoy a fresh breeze in your hair, warm sun on your cheeks, along with oodles of blossoms that remind you something new is just around the corner! I wrote that just to make my husband roll his eyes. What can I say, spring makes me sappy. And I don’t mean that in a punny way. It truly does. Again, happy spring!
One of my favourites of your quilts. Just love it.
I love how unique and incredibly gorgeous this quilt is. I miss the blossoms
and on that note, we are STILL waiting for spring to show up around here!