Wow you guys! You have the best answers and the best stories. I love reading comments, what blogger doesn’t, but I’e never giggled so much while doing so or really laughed out loud! No little lol’s here!
Okay onto today’s giveaway and it’s brought to you by Warp & Weft ! Thank you Esmari! She generously donated these lovely gems for some lucky duck to win! You might recognize this fabric line, Bluebird Park by Kate and Birdie for Moda. I drew it for June’s Calendar and it includes Bicycles, Birds, Hedgehogs, Peach Magnolias, Fountain Magnolias, Rabbits and City Park .
Here’s how to enter: same rules as yesterday but a new question to answer by leaving me a comment.
1) It’s summer and with summer comes outside concerts. What was the best outside concert you ever seen? And if anything weird happened while at one of these concerts please share.
Every concert we’ve ever seen at Deer Lake Park has been fantastic! We’ve seen The White Stripes on their final tour, it was a very short show (I think Meg was done by that point) but it was still fantastic. We’ve seen The Black Keys there (and bought the most awesome gig poster!) and just this fall we saw The Lumineers! The keyboard player was out in the crowd just hanging around watching the opening acts. We recognized him when he was up on stage. However I think the weirdest thing we ever saw was back in the 90’s in Cloverdale at Lollapaloosa, we saw a couple, she did have a long skirt on but yeah, they were doing it right out in the open. They had their eyes closed so I guess they thought no one could see them!
2) Remember you have more than one chance to win! In your comment just let me know how you follow me. Are you subscribed to my site, or do you follow me on Bloglovin? Perhaps you’ve liked my Facebook page, or I know you from Instagram, or Twitter, or Flickr or maybe Pinterest? Any or all will work! You’ll be entered for each way you follow. How’s that for snazzy!
3) Check back Tomorrow for the Grand Finale! Same rules apply but there will be a different question tomorrow (I can’t tell you what the giveaway will be yet, shhhh… it will be a surprise!). A different winner will be randomly drawn for each day (you can only win once). The winners will all be announced on Saturday July 12, 2014. The prizes will be mailed out the following Monday. International entries are totally welcome!
Good luck!
I’ve never been to an outdoor concert but I have been to an outdoor circus !!
Email follower !
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The only outdoor concert I have been to was Bryan Adams, in the Okanagan (I can’t remember the park but it was on a golf course lol), it was really loud and I was deaf for 2 days after. But the best outdoor thing I remember seeing was with my gran and she took me to see a teen drama group performing Shakespeare’s As You Like It, at the park behind Opus on Granville Island. There was one kid in it that cracked up everyone including the other actors, even when he was trying to be serious. They were all having so much fun and it made it so much for the audience!
A few years ago I enjoyed a family reunion in my home town, and we attended a symphony concert in the park. Not necessarily the best concert, but part of my best times ever.
Hmm… I don’t remember any outdoor summer concerts.
I’ve work summer cattle round-ups.
Gone on to many deep sea ( I get HORRIBLY sea sick ) fishing trips.
Camp every summer years 8 – 15.
Jersey Boardwalk the summer I turned 18 ( GREAT SUMMER ) there must have music ?
Wait, Band shell in Newton Iowa ! Summers with grandmother, classical music preformed live in the park. Sloping hills to roll down the grass on and fireflies.
All of worth remembered fondly : )
Well, except the family deep sea fishing trips and hanging over the side of boat !
1)it was a beautiful outside concert in montpizat de quarcy (a small town in France ) a very small symphony playing classical music
2) I follow you on Instagram
I’ve never been to an outside concert, but I’ve thought about it. I’ve never wanted to get too overheated. Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow Facebook and by email. Thanks
Darling fabrics! I went and saw Charlie Pride with my sister a few years ago. He was playing in a small town in Oklahoma and it was so awesome to be able to see him so close. Only bummer thi g is that he only got to sing about four songs as storm clouds opened up and it started raining. It was short and sweet and a great time with my sister.
Thanks for a chance to win.
Opps, forgot to mention that I’m following via email, BlogLovin, IG and FB. ;-D
BTW, I read your blog in Feedly.
I went to a Live concert – one of my favorites because it was FREE. And, something odd did happen!
Live was late. Kinda very late. When they finally got on stage, Ed (the lead singer at the time; I hear they’ve changed) explained that he was at the local area hospital with a really bad sore throat or something. The hospital doped him up on some pain meds and whatnot, and he showed to make his fans happy, but it was pretty clear he was a bit loopy!! In fact, without the explanation, one would certainly think of a blatant rampant drug problem, but it was confirmed through other sources;)
A feedly follower – did you check it out yet? Also, I LOVE these fabrics. Great choices!!! Corals and aquas are also a favorite color scheme of mine:)
In 1991 I went to a outdoor Duran Duran concert and I was 6 months pregnant, my baby was doing flip flops and I can’t remember who shoulders I was on but poor guy had a big tummy pushing his head forward!
I follow you on face book
Well, I’m going to totally date myself here but I saw Bryan Adams outside back in the early 90’s… AH-MAY-ZING! Nothing weird to report though – at least nothing I saw.
Oh-and I liked you on FB!!
Best outdoor concert hands down was AC/DC in Edmonton a few summers ago. There was a huge storm brewing and when they sang Thunderstruck, the thunder actually struck! Lightning flashed and it poured rain but the band kept playing! A perfect concert & the storm actually added to the show. Best concert ever.
Sadly, I don’t think I have been to an outdoor concert or maybe I did when I was much much much younger and too inebriated at the time to remember
I stalk you on Insta and follow your blog via email !
I have been to a symphony on the riverbank in the park – it was a Disney Showtunes Night and it was so much fun!! I’m also a Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest follower! Hope I win!!!
My favorite outdoor concert was the Rolling Stones. I went with my parents and brother when I was about 9 years old and still have fond memories of it.
My first outdoor concert was at the grandstands, exhibition place Toronto….it was The Beach Boys! Epic, their sound still makes me think of that summer when I was in grade 7.
I have never been to an outdoor concert. I would love to go to a Shakespeare in the Park though. Trying to follow your blog.
I went to the SARSfest in Toronto when I was about 18yrs and it was the hugest concert I had ever been to. The line up was incredible and the people there were crazy! I will never forget that show!!
We went to an outdoor montreal sympony concert years ago. 1812 overture with real cannons! Awesome!
I still think Edgefest at molson park in Barrie in the (ahem…mid ’90’s) was my favorite outdoor concert experience. There was always so many great bands to see –
New facebook follower…
Only outdoor concert i’ve been to was Paul Brandt! Fun, and free!
Facebook follower!
Follow you on instagram.
I have been to numerous outdoor concerts but I think some of the most memorable were in Sarnia Ontario at a Festival called Bayfest. Nothing is better than some really loud country music by the lake! Brad Paisley was awesome!
P.s. I follow on twitter & Pinterest.
I follow on Facebook. x
I have never been to an outdoor concert but I have been to outdoor theater, the best was probably Romeo and Juliet in the grounds of the castle near where we live. x
the best outdoor concert was a small one in baton rouge with credence clearwater revival back in the late 80s or early 90s. as a 40-something among several hundred other 40-somethings, it was just magical. people were so laid back and happy and exicted. nothing like current concerts
thanks for the giveaway opportunity to win!
I follow you on FB and Pinterest! thanks!
OK, I’m totally entering this draw because I never got around to taking some of these prints out of inventory for myself and now most of them are gone!! It happens to me every time! Rig it, Lysa, rig it!
I used to go to loads of open air summer festivals when I lived in Europe and it was like being in live music heaven. I don’t recall anything particularly weird happening, though…come to think of it, I don’t really recall much at all!
But the line-ups were out of this world! At just one festival in 2003 I saw Coldplay, Cypress Hill, De La Soul, Gotan Project, Massive Attack, Metallica, Millionaire, Moby, Moloko, Ozark Henry, Queens of the Stone Age, R.E.M., Radiohead, Stereophonics, The Streets and Tricky just to mention a few…
Seeing Moloko’s Roisin Murphy strut her stuff in one of her avant garde get-ups made my decade, Thom Yorke sarcastically mentioning that their Macbook Pro hadn’t crashed yet halfway through the set made me chuckle and 70 000 people singing along to ‘Losing my religion’ during R.E.M.’s set so loudly that I couldn’t even hear the band made me all teary-eyed. An incredible year and the following years didn’t disappoint either with acts like Franz Ferdinand, Goldfrapp, Ben Harper, Tool, Robert Plant, Depeche Mode…the list is endless!!
ive never been much of a concert goer…not a fan of large crowds or loud music. but my husband took me to see Josh Groban in an outdoor concert years ago..i fell asleep. maybe i need the music a wee bit louder!
Hmm… good question. Best outdoor concert I have ever been too… I think that would have to be Bon Jovi. I think what made this concert one of the best was the varied differences amongst concert go-ers. There were people of all ages at the show. There were people that were still stuck in the glory years of the 70s and 80s, it’s was almost like a time-warp of some sort. The music was excellent and the most surprising element was the fact that Kid Rock is apparently very talented. He was the opening act, and I have never really been a fan, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. He can actually play many instruments, and is ridiculously talented. All in all, the Bon Jovi concert was the best. I follow you on Bloglovin as well.
We went to see Michelle Wright at Brockville outside. She stopped mid song and screamed “there’s a big down my top!” … we laughed so hard.
Lisa F
The best concerts ever–at the Hollywood Bowl! One time the LA philharmonic played the background music to bugs bunny cartoons. Warm summer night–perfect!
we have a special ballet concert here in Singapore.. is called Ballet under the stars.. which I usually will visit and love watching performances outdoors.. well.. nothing weird happened.. but there’s one year we forgot to bring mosquito repellent.. so imagine the bites and stings we got after the performance.. emmm.. :/ oh well.. we remembered to bring it along after since.. heehee..