My guess is it was bound to happen… I’m falling in love with Anna Maria Horner. A couple of years ago I bought this Anna Maria Horner voile at Sew Modern in LA. It was one of those I have to have it purchases. I wasn’t sure what to do with it though, it had to be special. I was thinking maybe a skirt but I couldn’t really decide on a pattern that I liked enough. Then I found this pattern and it suggested to use voile for the skirt and for the lining. Then I remembered a voile (the flower print) that I bought in New York at Pins and Needles, again another, I have to have it. LIGHT BULB MOMENT! I could use both and make the skirt reversible. I also made the skirt a little longer than the pattern called for and I’m quite thrilled with it! A couple of weeks ago, when I registered on Bloglovin’, I came across Stitched in Color’s blog and more specifically this post about a linking party to sew Anna Maria Horner’s Flirting the Issue Pattern. The schedule seemed doable and a perfect reason to finally sew my lovely fabrics. Ta DA!
While I was following the sew along, Rachel used a rotary pinked edge blade (on day 3). I realized, D’oh, I have one of those! It wasn’t until I had cut the fabric I realized it wasn’t exactly the same but since all the seams are on the inside I’m pretty sure it will work. Either way it was another excuse to use something I’ve had tucked away!
Then, in the sewing of the skirt, I had a “sewing moment”. I live for these moments! I had an opportunity to match up the pattern and Woo Hoo!!!! It worked. It made me want to do a little happy dance…
Well, okay I’ll admit it… I did a little happy dance!
And then this funny little accident happened. It was almost was worth a little happy dance too… Did I do a little happy dance you ask?
Why yes, yes I did!
It is so wonderful! Looks great, I would proudly wear it
All those design match ups are so fun!