Welcome! I’m so pleased you’ve popped by! I’m very excited about Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! I’ve done this day once before and it was so much fun and I met so many new people. I thought it would be fun to do it again!
Okay, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! The prize or prizes, I should say. This time around I’m going to give away 3 packs of cards. Each pack contains 5 cards (details from my fabric stash drawing project). Each winner will be chosen randomly and international entries are welcome. The contest will be left open until May 10th at 5pm PST. Oh and of course the winners will be announced Sunday, May 12th and the cards will be sent out the following Monday, May 13th.
I’ve drawn a few stashes now and I’m really intrigued by the fabric that people pull out for me to draw. Usually they pick their favourite fabric (favourite for one reason or another). Every stash is different and each person’s fabric selection becomes their portrait. I think the fabric says a lot about people from their colour selections, to prints and even to how their stashes are kept – messy or extremely neat. Above is a drawing of my favourite fabrics – my fabric portrait. If I absolutely had to just pick just one piece of fabric it would be this piece by Kitty Yoshidia for Benartex Cotton Screen Prints.
Okay, to enter my giveaway, here’s my question: If you had to pick one piece of fabric from your stash to represent you, what would it be? Feel free to post what the piece of fabric you would be here or! If you’d like to show me?!
I have to admit I don’t know every designer out there. Plus, I’m sure we all have a piece of fabric that we just love but like me, oops, cut salvage was cut off, so now we don’t know who made the fabric, or what line it’s from. In that case, I have a solution. You can tell I love seeing other people’s stashes and fabric (don’t you?). To spice things up even more, if you send me a snapshot pic of your fabric on instagram @lysaflower or #showmeyourfabric then it will be counted as 5 entries! Seems only fair for all the extra trouble right?! One photo entry only please – I would love to see more but only one will count towards the giveaway.
Oh and a big thanks to Sew, Mama, Sew for organizing all this fun-ness! Enjoy all the other other amazing blogs and good luck!
Only one piece of fabric? Probably Anna Marie Horner, Fine Feathered in lavender.
Hello there, I do not have a stash of fabric (sewing is not my gift, but I appreciate homemade crafts), however, I would choose linen as the fabric to represent me…appropriate and fashionable for all seasons.
Thank you for sharing such a lovely giveaway. I love Liberty fabric as it is timeless British style!! I am British but sadly not stylish.
I would have said Moda Marbles represents me for the last few years but with all these blogs showing Modern quilts, I think I might have to change my direction and head towards some bright, clear, crisp colours and prints.
Your work is just beautiful. I guess I’d have to choose something with orange in it…because I really love orange…maybe a piece of Joel Dewberry’s Heirloom? =) Thank you.
Mine would be Pirate Girls from Out to Sea by Sarah Jane… but it changes seasonally… and by project :-p
I have a piece of batik fabric made by a woman named Becky in Botwana. We bought it at a great little quilt shop in Africa – and there are not a lot of quilt shops there! It’s in a lovely shade of rusty brown – I do love earth colours. I have no idea what I’ll do with it yet. I can’t wait until the right idea hits!
fun giveaway! i would choose echino’s scooter fabric (with the scooters in blue, and the polka dots in green) to represent me. it’s colorful, and has stripes and polka dots (a must, of course), and is sturdy, yet whimsical.
i haven’t cut into my yardage, yet, because i just love to look at it!
It’d be this one Civil War print that I’ve long run out of that was a funky orchid and sage green print…strangely beautiful and unconventional.
oh so glad you are doing this again! i *fond* you last time around with the SMS giveaway day, and am so glad I did. Ill post a pic to IG later today…I think I already know which one ill post.
It would be almost any fabric containing birds–recently I purchased a very soft, organic-looking birds and butterfly print from JoAnn’s.
The tulips from Joel Dewberry’s Notting Hill series.
Heather Ross Mendocino Mermaids!
Hmm… possibly one of my prints with anchors on it. Anchors are symbols of hope.
I love Posy from Moda. It is super cute and girly!
I’d pick some of Hoodie’s vegetable fabric — the eggplant print. I love vegetables (I had a vegetable-themed bridal shower and to some extent, wedding reception) and I love purple. Thanks for hosting!
Wow, one fabric? Geez…I’d say some wild print from Kaffe Fassett…I’m funky like that!
I have lots of noname fabrics left from my mother-in-law so naming them would definitely be a problem… but i would be something pastel with flowers on it
julia.glotova (at) gmail (dot) com
Oooh that’s a toughie. Um… I’d like to think the vintage raggedy ann and andy fabric might represent me. Or maybe Holly Hobbie? I’ve collected both of these fabrics and have made many a wonderful thing out of them.
I’d have to say one of my moustache prints, so fun. Lovely cards, thank you for the chance to win!
The one fabric I’d chose is a dandelion print on dark orange by Heather Ross. It’s from several years ago and I’m hoarding the last of it.
I made sure to use up my crimson chevron fabric but it’s sort of feeling like me at the moment
It would be an Amy Butler flower! In red and blue!
Anything Ombre would be me.
I think is Kona Ash. I’m abit blurr today..
I think I’m abit blurr today so I will pick Kona ash
I have to say my favourite is Habitat Line From that line the gray on black that looks like dandelion heads
I would have to say polka dots because i see dots when I go into my sewing room
There is an older line by Sweetwater called Sunkissed. I love the little flowers in the multi color print. It represents my happy colors! Your cards look lovely! What a unique idea.
It’s difficult to pick just one fabric to represent me, but I think I’d choose Raining Rainbows by Anthology fabrics. I find it both cheerful and melancholy so it’s perfect
Lovely illustrations, your work is wonderful.
Amy Butler’s Wallflower in Sky. No, maybe something from Emily Taylor’s Avignon. No instagram here though. Thanks for the chance!
Oh, that’s a hard question! I’d have to go with the ledger print from architextures – I’m an accountant and I truly do love math and numbers!
It would be Heather Ross’s bicycle fabric from a few years ago because I love to ride my bike!
Lotta Jansdotter, from the Bella line, the trees, either poppy or the blue. I love her work so much!!
I am just going to say the last fabric I bought is my fav of the minute LOL
It is Good morning by Me and my sisters designs for Moda. It is a hot pink fabric with tiny squares of pink and light pink.
I don’t have much of a stash right now. I think if I did it would be colorful and happy
It would probably be a fabric designed by Robyn Pandolph. I love her beautiful florals.
I love the Just My Type line. It combines my two favorite things: writing and editing / sewing! It’s the perfect combo
Thanks for the giveaway!
Laura Gunn fabric with poppies on it!
Your drawings are beautiful. They look very delicate and sensitive. I would love to win the cards and I’d be thrilled with whatever fabric you chose to draw. One piece is floral with pink/mauve/peach roses, some other rose flowers, some small yellowish flowers, and some birds egg blue flowers. I took a few photos of it but they didn’t turn out. If I can get some good photos, I’ll come back and share them. Thanks for participating in the giveaway and letting us see your beautiful work.
Oh hard to pick! Ok, I guess I would say Wrenly – a mix of lime greens and red swirls, birds and ‘busy’!!!!! I love your unique giveaway!
I’m unable to remember the names of the fabric collections, but it’s probably a graphic design fabric from Architextures in purple that I’d pick.
I would be Echino scooters in Yellow!
I dont know whether any of my fabric is from a collection but I really like one I have of big full blown cabbage roses in a shade of pink I love.
Any of my vintage fabrics.
I have a small piece of a liberty print, that I picked up from the remnant box at their shop a few years ago now. It is a sort of teal blue with navy blue peacock feathers printed on it. I love it, and can never decide on quite the right thing to do with it.
wow, thats a tough one….I would pick the Joel Dewberry print, aqua with the plum birds (can’t remember the name). But it comes across as serious with a touch of something maybe whimsy. Well, you have got me thinking!
Nursery Versery Itsy Bitsy Spider in purple. Colorful, quirky, and playful. I would like think that is me.
It would be Chartreus Shot Cotton. Because even though its a solid…there is so much depth and color to it!
This is tough! I would say Amy Butler’s chinese lanterns from Lark but I don’t have an explanation as to why!
One piece of fabric that is me?
It would have to be my hearse fabric by Eerie Alley.. Bold in colour, Halloween but with a fun twist (coffins falling out of the cars)
Thank you for the chance to win. kj_hahn(at)telus(dot)net
I love “elephants and flowers” from Timeless Treasures, it’s cute, bright, funny, makes me smile.
I just purchased a piece of purple fabric from Australia which has an aboriginal goddess design on it. Really love it.
Ty Pennington’s 2012 collections, reminds me of fabrics I wore on the Beach growing up.
I guess I dont’ have a fabric that represents me…I would have to say my organized fabric stash is what represents me! I have it all folded just so and “filed” by color, then print/solid. I just love looking at it…it reminds me of my favorite place in the world as a kid…Knott’s Berry Farm general store and the walls and rows or colorful candy in huge glass jars!
I would pick a japanese print I have of penguins – don’t know what its called or who it is by, though!
there is this piece of fabric that somehow stole my heart… Quite Contrary by Riley Blake – strawberries .. I found a picture here: http://www.prossersewingbasket.com/shop/FABRIC/Florals-and-Coordinates-Modern/Quite-Contrary-from-Riley-Blake-Designs/p/Quite-Contrary-x697584.htm
I have a really small stash because I am still new to sewing/quilting, but I would definitely choose something floral!
Hmm…. probably a rainbow chevron or poka dot. I like bold bright colors. though I also like soft floral… hmmm
I love Aster Manor. Thanks for the giveaway.
the fabric I would pick would be the ghastlies family night… love the whole set!
Toughhhy! I think I’d choose Aneela Hoey’s Girls on Swings print from her Sherbet Pips line. It’s just way too sweet and whimsical.
love tula pink
I would choose something from Kate Spain – love her designs and colours!! Thanks for the chance!!
A piece of fabric that most represents me – wow this is difficult but I guess it is a yellow Pom Pom de Paris from French General. The colors are soft and feminine – yep – that’s me.
My favorite fabric is the small floral in orange from the Boutique by Chez Moi line. It is so me!!!
That’s a tough question but I would say the Hello Pilgrim fabric butterflies on coral by Lizzy House would represent me best
My fabric would be royal blue with paisleys. Thanks for the chance to win!
It would be a batik with several colors in it.
Darling cards – what a great idea to showcase pretty fabrics artistically! I don’t have a lot of designer fabrics, but I do seem to gravitate toward plaids… probably a pink or red gingham, or maybe a primitive homespun plaid.
Wow – gorgeous work! I love Coriander from AmyButlers Belle line – it makes me smile whenever I see it!
One fabric!!!! Just one!! This is probably why my stash is overflowing, I’m too fickle and love everything! Maybe Amy Butlers Peacock feathers in Blush? But probably something i only have a little bit of, Liberty Hello Kitty fabric from their range a couple of years ago now, it’s a pink paisley if you look from a distance, but close up all the kitty goodness is visible.
For me, as boring as it sounds, it would probably be some evenweave linen, because that’s what most of my stash is!
Choose one?? Not possible!
I would have to say that the bright off cut scraps of reds, purples, pinks, oranges and yellows that litter my sewing space are what best represent me
I love your cards, they’re just beautiful! Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
i am not sure if it actually exists anywhere other than in my head… it would be a paisley print in red, teal and white with black outlines.
thanks for hteoffer – those cards look amazing!
Only one??
A small piece of DS Katie Jump Rope in blue – not sure of the name but it has circles and grids of dots! I love it and wish I had more!
Love your work! Just one piece of fabric??? Oh, I don’t know. It would be something in bright colors with animal print on them. unfortunately there are so many in that categorie in my stash, I can’t think of any one specific….
I’m a Liberty of London girl – any small floral in blues or lilacs.
I would pick the chevron from Jane Spolar’s Groovin line.
The one fabric I have that would represent me is a purple and blue batik, no particular designer. Just bright and bold.
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
I love Tula Pink’s Octo Garden in Coral.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would be floral, but simple and not too bold. And it would probably have green.
peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would choose any of my Kaffe Fasset prints.
I don’t know. I love so many fabrics…each one tells something different about who I am….I love polka dots so probably something with polka dots.
definitely Fly a Kite by Riley Blake. the main print is so cute and all about flying a kite and having fun on swings! oh, i’m just a big kid!
I would choose some basic plain white cotton. Easy on the eye, goes (along) with everything and is adaptable!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I really like the Rocket Science damask by Roby Riker on Spoonflower. It speaks to the geek in me
It would be Stamped by Ellen Buckett, the one with yellow dot with green leaves.
oh, I don’t know… the feathers fabric by Anna Maria Horner?
I don’t have it, but I think any fabric from Cinderberry represents me
Mmm, let’s say Tula Pink’s Parisville Cameo in Mist. You make me wish I were instagram-ing
I’m not into fabric designers and lines either – I just like some kinds of fabric more than others – tone on tone prints a lot – especially if they have a geometric shapes and I really really go for fine baby corduroy there’s just something about it the feel – soft and smooth and still textured and a little rough. As for colours I’m more into bold colours, but then pastels can have a stunnign effect. (I think now I about descrobed any fabric possible). What I don’t not like are large prints …
Wow, those are beautiful fabric stashes! I frequently write to my grandma and I’d love to win these so I could write her! I made her custom pillowcases for Christmas which she keeps telling my mom she loves!
I think I’d probably be a no-name abstract fractal type of print. While I adore a lot of the named prints, I think it’d be too hard to narrow it down! Plus, most of those prints look the best when paired with their complementary collection fabrics, and if it’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that my friends and family would NOT belong to any one collection, they’re too independent! (in a good way, of course!)
Thanks for such a unique prize
elizabeth.waligora at gmail.com
Love these cards! Just gorgeous
I think any fabric from sweetwater best says me 
I would have to say a piece from my stash of Stephanie Brandenburg fabrics – I will try to upload later but google her, I have many of her series that are now out of print that I love. thank you
I would pull out a piece of fabric that has music all over it.
I would have to pick the prince charming frog fabric from tula pink. It’s a little different but soothing and whimsical with a sense of humor.
Probably low down by Kate Spain.
A piece of unnamed upholstery fabric at least 20 years old with giant carousel horses on it.
my Alexander Henry Ghastly Family Portrait
I quite identify with it.
I think Notting HIll by Joel Dewberry describes my taste a lot. Thanks for the chance!
I’m thinking of a beautiful piece of batik in pinks, purples and dark blues. Thanks for the giveaway chance!
the fabric from amy butler, perhaps.
Those cards are adorable!! Metro Living Circles. Thank you for the chance to win.
Flea Market Fancy blue bouquets, DS Quilts Sugar Creek green bouquet, and Amy Butler Gypsy Caravan Wild Poppy Creamy Linen.
Nice fabric! My living room and quilt room are decorated in City Girl fabric! My current favourite fabric is the VW buses by Heather Ross (Lightning Bugs line) long OOP, but I looooovee it!
My favorite piece of fabric has poppies on it. I am not sure who it is from but the first name is Laura.
the fabric that most describes me would be flowery and calm. hadas_a1@yahoo.com
Hmmmm…what an excellent question. I am currently gathering fabric that I think represents me and my life and much of it is texty. Perhaps it would be the Lucy’s Crab Shack list of beach towns, since my hometown is represented as well as many of the places I spent my formative years.
I like the fabrics I have used here
Tula Pinks, Salt Water.
I have a piece with butterflies that I have no idea what is that I just love. Thanks for the generous giveaway.