A BIG, BIG thank you to everyone who entered my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway. What blogger doesn’t love seeing comments flood in but even better than that your comments were so, so, SO… God they ROCKED! I LOVED reading all of your answers to the question, “Whose phone number would you like to find in a match book?” Someone asked “is that a thing?” Hmm, I may have dated myself with that question but yes, yes it was a thing.
Here is the break down of the answers:
The majority of commenters wished to find numbers of people they’ve fallen out of touch with or lost.
There was a group that would like to chat with their favourite quilters.
But I think the biggest chunk of commenters wished to find the number to… hmmm, how should I put it… hotties:
Like Daryl from the Walking Dead (I though you ladies might enjoy this link – emoji kissy face, emoji kissy face, emoji kissy face)
Harrison Ford as Han Solo (a nice Magnum PI cross over in that link)
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric from True Blood)
Tom Hiddleston (Loki from Thor) this is the video a prank that was played on him that won me over.
Oh and there was the Queen, not necessarily a hottie but still, I thought a great answer.
Only one person asked specifically for a phone number 867-5309. Which was funny because I had that number on my wall, wink!
But what everyone wants to know is who won?! Now this is a little awkward because the winner said she’d like George Stoumboulopuluos’ number. Why is that awkward you ask? Um, he’s my boyfriend. Or a least that’s what he tells me every time I watch his show.
Either way a big congratulations to Number 105 Leanna! Now I must mention Leanna has a great blog called Poot and Boogie and has created an AMAZING movement called the Advocates. It will give you goosebumps, good ones though. Leanna also has a Facebook page too. I encourage you to check it out!
A big thanks for all the blog love last week. Right back atcha! I hope you find all those people you’re looking for in your match books. Thanks for popping by and I hope to see you again!
YIPPEE! that’s ME!!! and thanks for the Awesome Advocates shout out!!!
Yes, that’s you Leanna! Yay!
Oh and my pleasure!
I hadn’t even heard of George before this, thank goodness you all introduced me. And that video of Tom is hilarious. Congrats Leanna!
Oh good I’m glad you liked the Tom video! Yes George, George baby! What Canadian girl doesn’t have a crush on him. I’d have to double check but I think it might be mandatory in being Canadian. Although we’ve gotten used to the idea of sharing him with the States
but only if you give him back when you’re done!