And the winner is… drumroll please!

Thank you everyone for entering Sew Mama Sew’s giveaway day (week!). I was so tickled to see and read all your wonderful and amazing comments. I hate having to pick just one winner, even if I can do it randomly! From your comments I have discovered grandparents are the ones who have left a great many of us loving letter writing! Thank goodness for them!

However with out further ado the winner is… put your hands together for…

Holly U Congratulations! (and the crowd goes wild!)

I have to admit when I reentered the world of sewing, mostly quilting, I didn’t realize how entangled it would be with the postal system. I’ve always loved letters and what really clenched it for me was when my grandfather took it upon himself to write to me when I moved away to Vancouver. We wrote back and forth until he passed away and I kept every letter because I knew one day it would be a precious reminder of our relationship!

When I was a kid I would sometimes stay with my grandparents for a week or two on their farm. Grandma and I would drive into Halkirk (a small hamlet in Alberta. Maybe it is even too small to call a hamlet?) to pick up their mail. Grandma would chat with the post office lady, who was so nice, and they’d catch up on the weather and local news. It was always a lovely outing and I really enjoyed it! Recently I had a chance to go back to Halkirk and there it was, the old postal office. Of course they’ve put siding on it so it isn’t as cute as it used to be but in true prairie form it’s more practical.

Halkirk, AB

When my husband and I moved out to our acreage and discovered our local post office, I was over the moon!


Unfortunately the postal lady wasn’t nearly as friendly or jovial as grandma’s postal lady. Mostly I think because I usually had small kids in tow. I’ve come to learn some people are allergic to young children and I suspect this might be the case at our post office. Now that my kids are older we seem to be getting along much better and I don’t seem to be getting in as much trouble about the state of my packages anymore. In fact she was quite impressed and complemented me on my Fab Bee mail out where I sewed the envelopes together!

Letter for Fab Bee November

I’ve come to learn a good postie can make quite the difference in the kind of experience you’ll have with sending or receiving mail. Between the swaps I’ve done and the quilt bees I’m in, it’s so nice when there is a friendly face on the other end of the counter. So now I am off to happily deliver my cards to Holly U! Congratulations!


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  1. Maureen Hayes

    Congrats to Holly on winning and thank you to Lysa for having this great giveaway. Love the pics of your local,post office, so different from where I live in NY. . . LOL!

  2. Eekitoony Tooktash

    Congrats to Holly U ! Great cards and story about postal experiences ! I find that impressions of things change as you get a bit older ( from being a kid ) . Things get a bit different perspective, I know of a kid that went to Maplewood Farm at a very tender age and thought it was wonderful , ten years later the place seemed to lack a lot of its’ luster; however he still cherishes those memories ! I, for one, will miss snail mail if it evaporates in my lifetime. Hang on to those memories Lysa, they’re priceless ! Oh, and send me a card ! Or two or…


  3. Aw, man, I thought I’d won for a second there! Congrats to Holly U!


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