This has been an amazing four days! I’m happily overwhelmed by the response I’ve gotten this week! It went well beyond my expectations. So thank you, thank you everyone for taking the time to visit my blog, it makes my heart swell!… And speaking of hearts! Here is today’s giveaway!

Fourth and last giveaway day! Visit to win this drawing/calendar!

A 10″x 10″ drawing of Cynthia Frenette’s fabric from her Spoonflower collection. She now designs for Robert Kaufman! Yup, I can proudly say I knew her when. It seems appropriate to end today with this drawing, since this whole giveaway thing was to celebrate my newly designed site that Cynthia and her husband Norm (Green Couch Designs) did for me. I’m also including a calendar with the drawing. You can decide if you want to keep the drawing as is, or use it as a calendar (I use magnets to hold up the calendar pages). The other option is to use it as a bulletin board. Your choice!

Okay on to the nitty gritty! Same rules as yesterday but a new question to answer. Scratch that, sentence to finish.

1) Please finish this sentence, ” I heart…”  Maybe you Heart NY, like on the T-shirts or perhaps you heart Alberta Beef, like the bumper stickers. Really there is no wrong answer. For example, I heart YOU! Aw…but I really do! I’m so glad you popped by and we got a chance to chat.

2) Now remember you can have more than one chance to win! In your comment just let me know how you follow me. Are you subscribed to my site, or do you follow me on Bloglovin?  Perhaps you’ve liked my Facebook page, or I know you from Instagram, or  Twitter, or Flickr or maybe Pinterest? A few people have told me they follow on Feedly, which I had never heard of but still counts! Any or all will work! You’ll be entered for each way you follow. How’s that for snazzy! Oh and, international entries are totally welcome!

3) Check back tomorrow, Saturday July 12th! The winner of each day (you can only win once) will be announced.  The prizes will be mailed out the following Monday July 14th.

Good luck, I hope you win!

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Wow you guys! You have the best answers and the best stories. I love reading comments, what blogger doesn’t, but I’e never giggled  so much while doing so or really laughed out loud! No little lol’s here!

Okay onto today’s giveaway and it’s brought to you by Warp & Weft ! Thank you Esmari! She generously donated these lovely gems for some lucky duck to win! You might recognize this fabric line, Bluebird Park by Kate and Birdie for Moda. I drew it for June’s Calendar and it includes BicyclesBirdsHedgehogsPeach Magnolias, Fountain Magnolias Rabbits and City Park .

Third day of a four day giveaway! This fabric could be yours, just visit to enter!

Here’s how to enter: same rules as yesterday but a new question to answer by leaving me a comment.

1) It’s summer and with summer comes outside concerts. What was the best outside concert you ever seen? And if anything weird happened while at one of these concerts please share.

Every concert we’ve ever seen at Deer Lake Park has been fantastic! We’ve seen The White Stripes on their final tour, it was a very short show (I think Meg was done by that point) but it was still fantastic. We’ve seen The Black Keys there (and bought the most awesome gig poster!) and just this fall we saw The Lumineers! The keyboard player was out in the crowd just hanging around watching the opening acts. We recognized him when he was up on stage. However I think the weirdest thing we ever saw was back in the 90’s in Cloverdale at Lollapaloosa, we saw a couple, she did have a long skirt on but yeah, they were doing it right out in the open. They had their eyes closed so I guess they thought no one could see them!

2) Remember you have more than one chance to win! In your comment just let me know how you follow me. Are you subscribed to my site, or do you follow me on Bloglovin?  Perhaps you’ve liked my Facebook page, or I know you from Instagram, or  Twitter, or Flickr or maybe Pinterest? Any or all will work! You’ll be entered for each way you follow. How’s that for snazzy!

3) Check back Tomorrow for the Grand Finale! Same rules apply but there will be a different question tomorrow (I can’t tell you what the giveaway will be yet, shhhh… it will be a surprise!). A different winner will be randomly drawn  for each day (you can only win once). The winners will all be announced on Saturday July 12, 2014. The prizes will be mailed out the following Monday. International entries are totally welcome!

Good luck!


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First of all let me say, thanks so much for those of you who played along with the Match Needle book  giveaway yesterday. I LOVED all the answers to, “whose pocket would you slip a match book into (with your phone number on it)?” Someone turned the tables on me and asked me the question right back! I considered a few people  but I settled on Daryl from The Walking Dead. I figured he’d be my best bet for when the Zombie apocalypse goes down. Safety first! Right?

Okay, on to today! I’m giving away a pack of my cards!

Pack of cards stacked on drawings 2012

Same rules as yesterday but a new question to answer.

1) Please leave me a comment answering this question: What’s the funniest, weirdest card you’ve ever gotten? For example: one year both sets of my grandparents gave me the same birthday card. What are the chances? Actually I’m a little surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

2) You can have more than one chance to win! In your comment just let me know how you follow me. Are you subscribed to my site, or do you follow me on Bloglovin?  Perhaps you’ve liked my Facebook page, or I know you from Instagram, or  Twitter, or Flickr or maybe Pinterest? Any or all will work! You’ll be entered for each way you follow. How’s that for snazzy!

3) Check back Thursday and Friday too. You can enter everyday, same rules apply but there will be a different question each day and a different prize (I can’t tell you what they will be yet, shhhh… it will be a surprise!) Each day will have a separate winner (you can only win once). They will all be announced on Saturday July 12, 2014. The prizes will be mailed out the following Monday. International entries are totally welcome!

Good luck!

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Happy Tuesday morning, how are you today?

*Doing my best Clint Eastwood-Dirty Harry voice* “You’ve gotta ask yourself a question. Do you feel lucky?”

Don’t worry I won’t call you “punk”, that would be rude! But I do hope you do feel lucky, not only today but on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Yup, I’ve got goodies for you to win on every day! Woo-hoo! All in celebration of my lovely new site. I’m quite thrilled about it, hence sharing the love!

Today, being that I’ve already referenced Clint Eastwood, I feel that giving away a Match Needle Book seems appropriate.

Giveaway day! (1/4 days!) Today  win a Match Needle Book. Visit to enter!

Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

1) Leave me a comment answering this question: Remember the days when match books were used to give some one your phone number (…maaaaybe you don’t. No worries you can still play. Just trust me it was a thing.) Okay, so, you’ve put your phone number in a match book, whose pocket would you want to slip it into? And yes that was a thing too!

2) Want more than one chance to win? You can. In your comment just let me know how you follow me. Are you subscribed to my site, or do you follow me on Bloglovin.  Perhaps you’ve liked my Facebook page, or I know you from Instagram? Twitter? Flickr? Any or all will work! You’ll be entered for each way you follow. How’s that for snazzy!

3) Check back Wednesday, Thursday and Friday too. You can enter everyday, same rules apply but there will be a different question each day and a different prize (I can’t tell you what they will be yet, shhhh… it will be a surprise!) Each day will have a separate winner (you can only win once). They will all be announced on Saturday July 12, 2014. The prizes will be mailed out the following Monday. International entries are totally welcome!

Good luck!

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“Oooooh Caaaaanadaaaa”! Sing it with me! “Our home and native land….” Just kidding you don’t have to sing the whole thing with me! Happy 1st of July and Happy Canada Day!

July_FreeAs promised at the beginning of every month the Warp & Weft FREE downloadable calendar is here!  Sanjou’s embroidery cards from Esmari’s shop were oh so lovely to draw.

Sanjou embroidery cards- 2014 Warp & Weft's July 2014 Calendar

These little men riding antique bikes who are more than happy to hold your embroidery threads are made in France. It must have been subconscious but while drawing this month’s calendar I watched/listed to The Armstrong Lie, all about the Tour de France. Pretty fitting hey?

Sanjou embroidery cards- 2014 Warp & Weft's July 2014 Calendar

I love these little guys! They keep everything so neat and tidy compared to my embroidery monster I usually pack around with me on projects.

Embrodiery project

Like this project I’ve been working on for quite some time. Can you guess how long, maybe by the Moda fabric? Since 2010! Whoa, I know! I happily pack it around when we have road-trips or I know I’m going to be sitting for a long time with not a whole lot to do. I used to embroider when I was a kid visiting my Grandma. My cousin and I would buy kits but I never kept it up.

Teaching myself how to embroider

I’ve been reteaching myself how to embroider (ever so slowly, but still). This shirt is my embroidery sampler project that some day I’ll get to wear. I bought this book, Embroidered Effect by Jenny Hart, in 2011 which has helped a ton.  I ripped out most of what I did, pre buying the book, hence the extra length of the project.

On a side note my husband and I have been watching the second season of Orange is the New Black. I don’t want to spoil anything BUT… one of the characters gets new teeth. She grins away and continually asks everyone, “Do you notice anything new?”  I kind of feel that way! “Have you noticed anything new?” TA-DA! A whole new look to my site!  Big, big thanks to Cynthia and Norm of Green Couch Designs! They quite ROCK!

I still have a few kinks to work out and loads of content to add but I think it’s worth a celebration don’t you? Mark July 8th on your calendar, it’s going to be four days of give-aways!!! Loads of goodies and the winners will be announced on Saturday July 12th! See, it will definitely be a happy July!


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