Ketchup-ing… I mean catching up! October’s Fab Bee block, Eryn’s month.  I posted my progress each day on Instagram. Can you guess what Eryn’s theme was?

Day one
Day one...


Day two
Day two...


Day three
Day three...


Day four
Day four...


Day five
Day five...


It’s a piranha plant from Super Mario!
My piranha plant for Eryn's block


My brave husband, Chris did a Super Mario Bob-omb for the Bee! I love those guys!
Chris's Bomb-bomb for Eryn's block

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Berene's-package-was sent with lots of goodies

Hundreds and thousands is what they call sprinkles in South Africa apparently. Who knew?  Berene was September’s Queen bee from the Fab Bee and she sent out this wonderful package loaded with goodies! Some of these goodies really saved my butt at Christmas time when decorating cupcakes! Thank you Berene!

My Block for Berene

It was an intense block but partly because I was determined to use up ever speck of fabric sent. Mission accomplished! All I had left over was a few grey scraps… well actually I stole some from Chris’s pack because I was a little short on the the grey. Shhh don’ t tell, I don’t think he noticed.

My block for Berene plus a little drawing

It’s going to be an amazing quilt, it really does look like sprinkles, or hundreds and thousands as they say in South Africa, doesn’t it!

Chris's Block for Berene

We kept Chris’s block a little more simple and we even had some coloured fabric left over to send back to Berene, no grey though… shhh

Berene's block-detail

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Yesterday I posted about my need to hurry up an ketchup… or catch up, rather, on my blocks in our Fab Bee! Today I’m going to show Ellen’s blocks from, gulp, August. Ellen wanted everyone to do owls. Right away when Chris,my husband, found out what the theme was, he automatically said “I know what I want to do!”. When he told me, I immediately started to say, “You can’t do that, that’s way to advanced!” But then I remembered back to Cynthia’s block. It was the first block kicking off the bee and the theme was hearts. Chris told me he wanted to an anatomical heart. I talked him out of it saying that was way to advanced. Well, Amy did one and it was awesome! Chris was a little choked with me when he saw how fantastic it turned out. So I bit my tongue and this is what he came up with. Luckily I knew Ellen has an awesome sense of humour.

Chris's August's Block

For my block it was just after we had Sonja from Artiziania come talk to our guild. I bought one of her owl paper pieced patterns. I had never done one before! It was so fun and now I’m so addicted!

Lysa's block for Ellen (August)

I love buttons and I have a coveted secret button stash, which I only use under special circumstances. Ellen’s owl was one such circumstance!

Drawing and block for Ellen

I would even go as so far to say it was a HOOT! See what I did there, wink, wink!

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Yup, hurry up, Ketchup and Mustard! A little saying I like to say to my kids when we need to get going. Speaking of needing to get going, somewhere between July and November a lot of life happened and I really ended up behind on my Fab Bee blocks. To quote Professor Farnsworth in Futurama, “Good news everyone!” I recently caught up! Well… some what. I still have to do Bea’s December block of stars and recently received Sherri’s rainbow fabric for her January block. Kinda not feeling too caught up anymore but remember my new years resolution. It’s not about git n’ r done, it’s about enjoying myself while I’m doing it.

Just to make sure this isn’t such an epic post I’m going to break it into 5 posts: one for each person’s block. Which makes this post part 1 of 5,  starting with July and Darlene’s Block. Oh and I’ll also be posting my husband’s blocks too. It started out as a joke that we needed a dude in our bee (we also really want one in our guild too but sadly no takers-yet!). When I was telling Chris how I jokingly volunteered him for our bee with all seriousness he said he would do it. Okay, sure then!

For Darlene (July)

This is my block, I don’t know what it is with this block, it’s the second time I’ve done it. The last time it was for the Unscripted bee I was in. I fought it then and I ended up fighting this one too. Although I’m pretty happy with the results. (Whispering, I think I won the fight!)

Lysa's block for Darlene

I like to do a little drawing with each block. I have a little somethin’ up my sleeve with what I’m going to do with them!

The drawing for Darlene's month of July

TA DA-Chris’s block. I can tell he’s getting addicted slightly, he’s coming home with quilt design ideas! I told him when he’s done his quilt he has to come into our guild to show it off! Don’t you agree! He totally should, shouldn’t he?

Chris's block for Darlene (July)

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