1. Huge congratulations Maceo!!! Any learning difference can be a gift – the ability to see things differently gives us artists, dreamers, physicists, mathematicians and just about anything else you can imagine. It’s only our limited public school system, that has very little choice but to teach to the average, that prevents kids from realizing their true potential. Yay for schools that can show kids the way to success!


  2. That is so amazing ! Congratulations! So wonderful that you could find a way that helped him learn and feel great about himself.


  3. How absolutely wonderful! And so lucky that Maceo had proactive parents that believed in him!
    My wonderful Aunt taught a Gifted class in Comox for many years, back in the day when there was a budget to help all students reach their potential. Many of them entered her class feeling there was something wrong with them, and left knowing there was everything right. It’s so sad that many of these childeren now fall through the cracks, unless they have parents like yourselves with the belief and ability to send them to private schools.

    Thank you for sharing this. It brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations!

    • Lyn Robinson

      Congratulations to your son Lysa but also to you and your husband for standing by him and finding the assistance he needed. We went through something very similar with our daughter, she went to a high school similar to JC it was only open 2 years but it was what she needed. I think some of the success later in high school came about because the school showed her she could be successful. Kelsey is now a paramedic


  4. Congratulations to your son for all he has accomplished, and for being recognized for it! And congratulations to you, too, for care-full and conscientious parenting. You have much to be proud of! Including having a son who will stop to have his picture taken!


  5. Isn’t that wonderful! I’m so happy for him. We had one of ours that really struggled. They tested her for a few years for Aspbergers, but that only made her feel stupid. In grade nine she said ‘no more testing’. Today, at 20 she is doing well, but knows she has some challenges still. Thanks for sharing!


  6. Aww, you all have every right to be beaming with pride! Way to go! Great parenting and great achievement!


  7. Hi Lysa,

    I stumbled on your blog following a link I saw for your calendars but felt compelled to comment here. I just wanted to congratulate your family and your son for this amazing accomplishment. What a great story to happen upon today. Made my day.


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